
The Necronomicon Gamebook: Dagon (2018)

A faithful gamebook adaptation of Lovecraft's short novels.

Hạng: 15742
1 Người chơi
60-180 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

A Gamebook where you can face firsthand the horrors told by H. P. Lovecraft among the most famous classic stories of The Cthulhu Mythos: Dagon, The Festival and The Hound (you'll also find a Dreamlands' section, with some striking extracts from The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath).

The stories were adapted with the utmost fidelity to the original text, in order to allow you an interactive immersion in the style of the Master of the Supernatural, by using a narration with paths, where, armed with a die and a pencil, you will travel through the streets of Kingsport facing monstrous creatures, exploring nightmarish territories and crossing the border that divides dream from reality. Will you be able to prevent the Yule ritual from taking place, saving humanity from a gruesome fate, or will you just go crazy?

—description from the publisher

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