
The Mystic Wood (1980)

Early dungeon crawler set in a random tiled board of forest clearings.

Hạng: 5439
2-4 Người chơi
60 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 1.48/5

Players are knights seeking to perform a particular quest (varies with each knight) in order to win the game. Exploration and adventure are created by the game board being made up of randomly placed tiles which are uncovered as the knights reach them. Tiles can be fixed locations or glades where a randomly chosen role card can reveal a spell or a denizen. Denizens act in different ways, depending upon its nature or the throw of a die. Some help the knights, others hinder. Players compete against each other, but can also work together to defeat a denizen. The first knight to complete his or her quest and exit the Mystic Wood wins the game.

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