
The Jewish War (2000)

Hạng: 17766
2 Người chơi
45 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 1.80/5

The Jewish war
The zealot rebellion against Rome (66 to 73 AD)

The Jewish war (or Great revolt) in the roman province of Judea, was the consequence of roman oppression leaded by Gessius Florus (governor of Judea) against Jews of Galilea & Judea.

Convinced that Romans would destroy his kingdom, the king of Gamala sent a contingent of cavalry in Judea which made the signal waited by the Zealots to trigger their rebellion.

The Zealots (who were in favour of Judea's independence) raise up against garrisons of Arabians auxiliaris based in Judea & Galilea in 66 AD. In spite of their victory against Feoderoti, the Zealots were finally defeated by the intervention of 4 roman legions.

This game was first published by Khyber Pass Games. Then the game was translated by Frédéric Bey and Pascal Da Silva in France in 2002 and published by Canons en Carton.

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