
The Flood (2023)

A resource collection and management, weather dependent game based on Noah's Flood.

Hạng: 19237
1-4 Người chơi
60-120 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 3.00/5

Designed by Bedouin Games and Iden.team Illustrated by Ben Maier, Macro Paganessi, sculpted by Renan Assuncao and Ludwik Lukaszewski. The Flood is a euro-style game. Dice/ resource and event mechanics as well as 140+ miniatures.

In The Flood players are taken back in time to the pre historic world before the flood. Their objective is to build a network of Huts and Camps and collect & forage enough resources to build the Ark before the flood. Each player has a unique Mighty Beast - the hero miniature that can forage strategic resources.

The Flood has 2 modes, co-op scenarios and solo gameplay.

In the Main mode: Each turn players will choose a tile to activate and collect resources from their structures on the hexagons. Commodities include: Gopher wood, Tar, Wool, Vegetables, Limestone.

In the Classic mode: Luck is paramount! Each turn players will roll the tool and two commodity dice to collect resources from their structures bordering hexagons. Commodities include: Gopher wood, Tar, Wool, Vegetables, Limestone.

The board includes 27 hexagons and a board edge what includes a trade track, faith points and a market. Tool tokens are placed on each hexagon. When the correct commodity or Tool is rolled or tile is activated the players will receive resources. During their turns players will build, forage, deploy mines, control their Mighty Beast, collect resource cards, obtain event cards. Story cards control the weather and yeild multiple other bonuses.

Trading is a strategic part of the game. Players are able to trade resource cards with each other and the supply. After the First player that finishes the Ark and the animal token the game stops and faith points are counted. The player with the most faith points wins!

—description from the designer

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