
Take That (2016)

Hạng: 8690
2-4 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.25/5

Take That - Who has to swallow the bitter toad?

Easy rules. Great take that fun game.

On your turn, you have to place down a card into the row or remove one. That´s all.
But beware! If you can not do it either way, you have to swallow this bitter pill.
In this case the bitter toad and cash in minus points - but tidy many.

When the stack of cards is empty, the game ends. The player with the fewest minus points is the winner.

Big Time!

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Sorry, we can’t still find where to play this game online. If you know, please email us via [email protected]

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