Ancient Swedish board game where a guarded king has to escape 16 attackers.
Tác Giả: (Uncredited)
Họa Sĩ: (Uncredited)
Nhà Phát Hành: (Public Domain), ABRA, Acacia games, CEFA (Celulosa Fabril S. A.), D.P. Ives & Co., Fabbri Editore
Tablut is a traditional tafl game played on a 9×9 grid. The game was originally recorded by Linnaeus in Lapland in 1732.
game description for Swords & Shields
One player controls the Shields and the other controls the Swords. The Swords player must try to capture the Chief Shield, while the Shields player must clear a safe path for the Chief Shield to escape off the board. Pieces can move any number of spaces in a straight line, and are captured when bracketed on two opposite sides by opponent pieces.