Set in a dystopian future, the race between Megacorporation and Netrunner continues.
Tác Giả: Zoe Cohen, McGregor Crowley, June Valencia Cuervo, Max Chippington Derrick, Gregory Tongue, Jade Wesley
Họa Sĩ: BalanceSheet, Bruno Balixa, Zoe Cohen, Benjamin Giletti, Kira Nguyen, Emilio Rodriguez
Nhà Phát Hành: Null Signal Games (NISEI)
System Gateway is NISEI’s foundational set. It is designed as an out-of-the-box learning experience and provides everything you need to start playing Netrunner. The cards in the set are straightforward, yet powerful, and will form the cornerstone of any player’s collection.
One copy of the System Gateway Starter Pack, plus the NISEI learn-to-play guide, is all two people need to learn Netrunner.