
Susume!! Kaizoku-san (2008)

Hạng: 20913
2 Người chơi
10 Phút
Tuổi: 5+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: Susumu Kawasaki, Koji Malta

Nhà Phát Hành: Sugorokuya

Susume Kaizoku-san ("Go! Pirates!") is a 2-player racing game that each player takes the role of pirate. The board is made up by 5 cards and each player receive the hand of 3 cards (1, 2, and bomb). A player draws cards from other player's hand one by one. Then he/she moves his/her ship for the number of the spaces equal to the sum of the values on the cards obtained. However, once bomb card is drawn, his/her turn is over and return all cards he/she has drawn and he/she cannot move the ship this turn. There are double-move treasure cards and windy spaces to spice up the game.

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