
Super Comics (2010)

Hạng: 17341
3-20 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

In Super Comics, each player plays the part of a super hero of his choice, whether known or imaginary. Each player receives challenge cards to be carried out; these challenges are based on dexterity or mental abilities such as being the first super hero who takes off his socks and puts them back on, the first to turn in a circle five times, the first to calculate the sum of the ages of all players. Once the challenge cards are in hand, a player challenges another super hero. They mix their cards, draw one randomly, then try to achieve the challenge. The one who wins keeps the card.

At the end of the game, when players have played all of their challenge cards, the one with the most cards is declared the strongest super hero in the world!


How to Play

Super Comic

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