
Such a Thing? (1989)

Given a random list of qualities, can you think of such a thing?

Hạng: 5515
2-8 Người chơi
30 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: 1.26/5

Ein solches Ding (or Such a Thing?) is a card game where players have to think of a thing that fits a number of given categories.

The game consists of 220 cards featuring clues such as "needs fuel", "swims" or "can be used militarily".

The rules give several ways to play, including:
  • Players in turn add cards from their hand one by one, until one player doubts there is a "such a thing" (which is what the game title means in German) that matches all the cards currently played. If the previous player can name a reasonable(!) thing, the doubting player is penalized with 3 extra cards. If there isn't such a thing, the previous player is penalized 3 cards. The first player without any cards wins.
  • Three cards are dealt out and the first player to name a thing that fits all three criteria scores a point.
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