Streifen Toni, a card game based on Carmen Kleinert's Kinderspiel des Jahres-winning Da ist der Wurm drin, gives players the same goal as that game: Make your worm longer than anyone else's.
Each player starts the game with a worm head on the table and three random cards from a deck of worm section cards; the worm sections are in many colors and are of different lengths. Six other cards are placed face down on the table. On a turn, a player chooses one card from her hand, places it face down next to the others, then chooses any other card, reveals it, and adds it to her worm. The first card is placed directly next to the worm head; each additional section is placed on the marking stick of the previously card.
Once the deck of cards runs out, each player makes three further plays, then they compare worms to see which one bests the rest!