
Steal This Game (2016)

Hạng: 20121
2 Người chơi
5 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Steal This Game was designed by Dávid Turczi on the spot at SPIEL 2016 after an unfortunate incident left the publisher a full cash box short.

This nanogame, playable by two players in five minutes or less, fits on a postcard (with two dice supplied by the players). The players take turns being robbers and exhibitors at a board game trade fair — rolling dice, lying, guessing, and shuffling cards.

The exhibitor tries to hide cash in one of the cash boxes and keep it hidden - shell game style. The robber secretly rolls a pair of dice and then tries to make increasingly risky moves to gain more information about the location of the cash and move the clerk away from the full cash box. If the exhibitor catches the thief in a lie, the thief must immediately risk stealing from a cash box without additional information.

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