
Spline (2011)

Hạng: 18896
2 Người chơi
10 Phút
Tuổi: 6+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Spline is a very simple game for 2 players that can be played with a Series: Shibumi set. It uses a n×n set of stacking spheres in 2 colors (4×4 or 5×5 are recommended, but larger sets can be used).

A 4×4 set, for example, is a pyramid of 30 marbles:

  • 4×4=16 on the first layer
  • 3×3=9 on the second layer
  • 2×2=4 on the third layer
  • 1×1=1 on the fourth layer

The board (n×n) starts empty.

Starting with white, each player places a marble on an empty space or platform (2×2 arrangement of marbles).

The first player making a full line of his color on any layer wins. Lines may be diagonal.

This is, for a 4×4 set, a 4-in-a-row on the first layer, or a 3-in-a-row on the 2nd layer, or a 2-in-a-row on the 3rd layer.

SPLine was born when researching on stacking spheres. It is intended to be the simplest game that can be defined for this set of components.

There is a variant in which you can move already placed balls: see Spline+

HAIKU for SPLINE (Cameron Browne):

Reach to touch the sky,
but heaven smiles on those who
reach from side to side.



(human vs human and human vs computer)

Included in the Shibumi Rule Book

Soft cover:


Downloadable PDF:


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