
Spinnengift und Krötenschleim (2012)

Hạng: 14227
2-4 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 6+
Độ khó: 1.50/5

Tác Giả: Klaus Teuber

Họa Sĩ: Gabriela Silveira

Nhà Phát Hành: KOSMOS

Game description from the publisher:

A goblin is loose in the witches' kitchen, and he's turned everything on its head. Where's the skunk cabbage now? What happened to the tangleroot? And where did those mouse droppings drop off to? The witches are pulling out their hair trying to find everything!

In Spinnengift und Krötenschleim ("Spider Venom and Toad Slime"), all the players need to remember where to find the individual ingredients. Whoever finds the right ingredients may add a chip to the magic cauldron, and chip by chip that cauldron will fill – then the monsters will appear! In the end, whoever has the most witch orders and monsters wins.

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