
Speed Colors (2017)

Can you correctly color your picture the quickest, even when the markers change?

Hạng: 9769
2-5 Người chơi
15-20 Phút
Tuổi: 5+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Are you ready to bring the black-and-white image to life by coloring it in? Then you'd better speed up!

In Speed Colors, each player has a double-sided card with a colorful picture on one side and the same picture but in black and white on the other side. All players memorize the colorful side of their pictures, flip it, then color it in as quickly as possible the same way as on the back of the card! The faster and the more accurate you are, the more points you get. Try to keep up as the caps on the markers are switched at the end of each round (adding more challenge)!

Speed Colors is a reMARKERble fast-paced game that proves that coloring is fun for everyone!

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