
Soulaween (2019)

Soul-a-ween! Join the grandest festival at Death School & get back the fleeing souls!

Hạng: 8908
2 Người chơi
15-30 Phút
Tuổi: 6+
Độ khó: 1.43/5

Tác Giả: Shi Chen

Nhà Phát Hành: Play With Us Design (玩聚設計)

Soulaween” is the most bustling festival at Death School!

The name derives from a proverb of the school, “Soul to win”, which means reaping souls to claim victory. Legend has it, that long ago at Death School there was an accident, causing souls to flee and disperse in chaos. The teachers and students took it as a race, competing the speed of recollecting souls, and solved the crisis of the realm of death. This year, Papa Death, Osiris, Hei & Bai Wuchang along with their trainees converge in “Soulaween”, with Teacher Vulture as their judge, are ready to engage in the rival of “reaping souls”……!

Soulaween is a 2-player board game that features simple yet tricky rules and variable player powers. During the game, each player acts as a trainee of the death god, whose goal is to reap the fleeing souls by “putting” and “flipping” the soul pieces. Whoever gets 3 sets of souls becomes the winner of “Soulaween”!


Soulaween」是死神學校內最熱鬧的祭典!名稱源自於學校內流傳的諺語「Soul to Win-收集靈魂、贏得勝利」相傳多年前,死神學校發生過一起意外,導致靈魂們四散逃逸,當時死神師徒們,把這起意外當作一場比賽,相互較量蒐集靈魂的速度,解決這個幽冥危機。在今年的「Soulaween」中,死神爸、歐西里斯、黑白無常將帶領著各自的訓練生,齊聚一堂,在禿鷹老師的見證下再度以「蒐集靈魂」來決勝……!


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