
S.N.E.A.K.: our last hope (2010)

Hạng: --
1-4 Người chơi
30 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: 0.00/5

Tác Giả: Konrad Anft

Họa Sĩ: Konrad Anft

Nhà Phát Hành: (Self-Published), (Web published)

The N.E.A.K. (Nautical Exploration and Alimentation Konstructum) was designed by a team of French and German engineers (led by Benjamin B. Kaufmann) and was intended to be used as a multi-functional support submarine.

But when a small craft that could fit into the Dimension Processor was desperately needed, the NEAK became a Sub-vascular Nautical Exploration and Alimentation Konstruktum, and thus the S.N.E.A.K. became our last hope.

In this game, one to four players take control of a crew and a submarine each, which are induced into the blood vessels of a patient, who is in the process of being assimilated by nanobots.

Each round a new area of the vascular system is laid open, and new nanobots strive to destroy the intruder/ to destroy nerve cells of the patient/ to repair the damage to other bots or the body of the patient.

Different special abilities of the crew members are applied to ease the tasks at hand, but having a too large crew on board can quickly result in a failure in the mission and black outs due to the near end of the air supply on board.

A game-card system from seven (and later nine) cards is the driving mechanic for most tests and tasks.

Created for the Sneaky Sci Fi Game Design Contest, held by Rudolf Aligierski in May/June 2010.

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