
SiegeStones (2004)

Hạng: 15762
2-4 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 7+
Độ khó: 2.33/5

Tác Giả: Patrick Matthews

Nhà Phát Hành: Live Oak Games

SiegeStones is the second game published by Live Oak Games. In this one, players are trying to capture four towers. The wooden board starts empty, and has a very simple design of 37 circles on it. Players take turn placing either a "stone" or a "tower" on the board. Stones threaten towers - whichever color presents the greatest threat to a tower controls it. Towers weaken stones. The board is scored after each player's turn. Once placed on the board, a tower changes ownership back and forth as players try to gain control of it. The beginning of the game is very open, the midgame very strategic and challenging, the endgame is often a "grab" for the final tower.

More games can be played with the components of this game. There are rules for several others on the publisher's website; those variants can be found here: http://www.liveoakgames.com/siegestones/moregames.htm

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