
Showdown Tactics (2020)

Hạng: 16334
2 Người chơi
15 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: Paul JH Bang

Nhà Phát Hành: Korea Boardgames Co., Ltd.

Showdown Tactics is a dueling game. Each player must use tiles 1-9 and defeat their opponent with a higher numbered tile. Players choose 1 Dragon Tile each round from a number range of 1-9 and duel their opponent for supremacy.

In more detail, the attacking player chooses 1 Dragon Tile and lays it face-down on the first space of the Arena, which is an electronic device that can recognize the value of a tile. Their opponent must then choose 1 Dragon Tile of their own and place it face-down on their side of the Arena steps.

Both Dragon Tiles are then judged and Round Victory is declared. For a player to be victorious, their Dragon Tile must have a higher number than their opponent’s.

The game ends once 9 rounds have been completed or when 1 player obtains 5 round victories. The player with 5 round victories wins.

—user summary

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