Capture your foe's good ghosts and not the bad ones. But which are which?
Shape 700 years of vampiric and human history in a quick-playing legacy game.
Race around London in search of clues to solve a mystery in just a single day!
Inmates explore their asylum while preparing for the final clash with the Warden.
Billygoat is chasing you. Will you manage to find and save Ethan from the nightmare?
A team of Investigators take on a team of Cultists. But who is on which team?
Hold back the horde long enough to somehow reverse the summoning.
Help each other escape the sinking city and the dead through multiple scenarios.
Werewolf fans and One night fans have found a happy medium here.
The champion of the Cthulhuverse is born from a die-rolling spell-a-thon.
Adventurers work together to protect the world from the magic & monsters of the Tomb!
Rearrange the stars to summon demonic entities to rearrange the stars to ...
A solitaire card game where you investigate events based on H.P. Lovecraft stories.