Classic monsters invade Smash Up. Vampires, Mad Scientists, Werewolves, & Giant Ants
Race to build the best space empire of alien worlds and new technologies.
Combine disparate groups to earn victory points and change the rules in the process.
Crew the first interstellar ship in outer space, exploring and discovering.
Coordinate tactics with your squadmates in order to neutralize an alien threat.
Compete against your rival to build the most exciting dinosaur park in the world.
Gather allies, equipment and influence in the aftermath of the apocalypse.
It's humans vs. aliens in a game of hidden movement and bluffing. Who will survive?
Genetically modify alien workers to use for building & commanding a space station.
It was a trap! Roll your crew dice to survive the onslaught of an alien armada.
Use real rocket science in a race to industrialize the solar system.
Take advantage of the passengers' special abilities to colonize Mars.
Never give in, at any cost! Coordinate your efforts to foil vile plots.
The set YOU chose! Four factions decided on by the players.
Draft cards to manipulate your dice and collect investors for your technology.