
Quirky Circuits: Penny & Gizmo's Snow Day! (2022)

Cute robots need help to complete tasks across quirky scenarios!

Hạng: 6796
2-4 Người chơi
15-30 Phút
Tuổi: 7+
Độ khó: 1.25/5

Help Penny and Gizmo have the best snow day ever in Quirky Circuits: Penny & Gizmo's Snow Day, a co-operative programming game for the whole family.

Program lovable robots with your friends and family, but make sure to complete each task before batteries run out.

All players must work as a team to complete unique scenarios across a 20-page game book, with each scenario being quirkier than the last. Chase down naughty dust bunnies around the house with Gizmo! Slide into action and collect all the flags with Penny, the newest resident robot in Robotopia. Use movement cards to program robots across each map, but be careful! Players have only limited information as to which cards their teammates have played. Program wrong, and your robot could be left spinning its wheels in a corner. Move too slowly and your robo-friend will run out of battery!

description from the publisher

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