

Hạng: --
2-8 Người chơi
60-120 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 0.00/5

Tác Giả: Agusti Bartrina

Họa Sĩ: Agusti Bartrina

Nhà Phát Hành: (Self-Published)

Game description from the designer:

Proelium LOCUM is a strategy game in which players represent small forces of colonization to gain supremacy in the new frontiers of the human race.

In this game, players will explore a map, the board, find and collect resources to develop their settlement and power, thus winning production, military and civilian benefits. In short, a game development and supremacy.

The game starts by placing all pieces from the board as indicated in the rulebook, except the pieces with a hexagon color (red, green, blue or yellow).

Each player starts with a building of settlement, a crystal mine mining center and a builder robot UCA. In the game, players will have to manage production and spending 3 resources, crystal, flux and naquadagh.

Using flux, players can move the UCA, when a robot into a piece upside down, it will rotate the piece and threw a given scan, according to the result given the player who has explored the piece, will get one of the resources listed above. The resources will be obtained from mines in which the player has built a mining center, they will give a fixed income and sometimes variables. On the other hand the production of flux will be managed by the player, buiding generators and paying the price (in resources) of developments.

Players can build settlements, hangars, research centers, towers, mining centers and all of these developments. In the military aspect, the player can build four types of robots, all motion profile, attack, armor, etc.

Combat works with combinations of dice rolls and spending flux.

The game ends at the end of 15 rounds of play or if a player reaches 50 victory points, you can get advantage of the bonus round, small military campaigns, construction of urban centers and research upgrades and technologies.

A player can win the game in three ways, being the player with the most victory points at the end of the 15th round, the only survivor on the board or arrive first at 50 points victory.

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