
Primar (2018)

Hạng: --
2 Người chơi
5-10 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 0.00/5

Primar is a set of three games inspired by the Bauhaus art school. Simple yet deep design is what all three games have in common. The artistic use of the three basic shapes and colors merges with the elegant design of each game.

The three micro games contained in the box are (text from the rulebook):

Primar Blue, by Martin Windischer
In this game you start with a victory card, which represents a state in the end of the game.
During the match you will build the board using shape cards and may change your victory card.
At the end, if you have the victory card representative of the board, you win the game.

Primar Red, by Odd Hackwelder
Players reveal and manipulate cards in order to form complete shapes. At the end of the game, the player with most complete shapes is the winner.

Primar Yellow, by Pablo Céspedes and Víctor Hugo Cisternas
The game plays in rounds, one player opens it revealing a card of their choice, and the opponent responding following some limitations. The objective of the game is to open a round in such a way that the opponent cannot respond. By doing so players are granted points, the first player to achieve 15 points wins the game.

All games have their origins in the annual 18 card microgame contest of the BGG site.

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