
Prawo Dżungli (2007)

Hạng: 5473
2-100 Người chơi
10 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.38/5

Tác Giả: (Uncredited)

Nhà Phát Hành: Week End Games

The information that BGG has on this item indicates that Prawo Dżungli is a non-authorized version of Jungle Speed/Arriba!.

In Prawo Dżungli (which means "Jungle Law"), players must get rid of all their cards as fast as possible. Each turn, each player reveals one of their cards as a simultaneous action. If two or more cards are identical, their owners try to catch the "sceptre" as fast as possible. The fastest player then gives their card to one of the opponents. But if an incorrect person touches the sceptre they must take cards from other players.

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