
Postcard Dungeons (2018)

Hạng: 14009
1-6 Người chơi
30-60 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: 1.40/5

Tác Giả: Joseph Limbaugh

Họa Sĩ: Kristen Immoor

Nhà Phát Hành: Modest Games, Postcard Games

Postcard Dungeons (a tiny game of small adventures) is a casual and extremely portable board game for 2-6 players (although it can be played solo). Dice and tokens for the game are not included and must be supplied by the players.

The game simulates a series of dungeon crawls in search of treasure. Players represent the leaders of various adventuring guilds who choose from one of 3 dungeons that have increasing levels of challenge. They then roll 3D6 to populate the dungeon. After the dungeon is set up, they roll another 3D6 to determine the strength of their party which is made up of a Thief, a Warrior and a Wizard. They choose which die goes to which hero and play progresses between the dungeon taking a turn against the player and the player taking a turn against the dungeon.

Depending on how well a particular adventure goes, the player may be able to purchase a treasure from a list based on the dungeon they chose. Players may choose between treasures that add to victory points, or will give them a magical advantage in the next dungeon adventure.

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