
Point Salad (2019)

Collect groupings of fruits and vegetables with loads of ways to score points!

Hạng: 456
2-6 Người chơi
15-30 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.15/5

Point Salad is a fast and fun card drafting game for the whole family. There are over 100 ways to score points. Players may use a variety of strategies and every game of Point Salad is unique!

Cards come in six different types of veggies, and the back of each card has a different scoring method. So for instance, one scoring method may award 2 points for every carrot you have, but deduct a point for every onion. By drafting combinations of veggies and point cards that work for your strategy, you can amass the most points and win.

—description from the publisher

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