
Pile-Up Rush (2017)

Pile'um up so your opponent knocks'um down!

Hạng: 11219
2-4 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 7+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

In Pile-Up Rush, two players (or teams, if you desire) compete to place odd items on a shared platform, trying not to knock the entire pile over. When a player makes the stack fall, the opponent chooses one of their pieces and keeps it, then they play another round. If you manage to place all of your pieces in the tower, then you get to keep one of the opponent's pieces and start another round.

The first player or team to capture four pieces wins!

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Sorry, we can’t still find where to play this game online. If you know, please email us via [email protected]

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