
PASS (2023)

A ladder-climbing card game to let you be stronger when calling pass!

Hạng: 10653
2-5 Người chơi
15 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 1.33/5

Tác Giả: Yu Wang

Họa Sĩ: Yu-Cin, HUANG

Nhà Phát Hành: Board Game Rookie

PASS is a ladder-climbing game in which each cards has a potentially upgraded side with another value. Players may pass their turn to take a PASS token and use it in a later round to turn a card to its upgraded side.

More specifically, cards are dual-indexed, with different values on each half of the card, with the 65 cards having possible combinations of the numbers A-K. During set-up, the cards is shuffled and dealt into decks. Each deck will have exactly 13 cards. Players randomly choose a deck as their hands. Whoever has the card "START 2" will be the first player to play a set of card(s).

During their turn, the active player takes one of two actions:

  • Play: The active player chooses card(s) in their hand that comply with a type of defined set in the game, and then plays this set of cards to the table. A player can only choose to play if i) the table is empty (as if he/she is the first to play) or ii) the played set is ranked higher than the set currently on the table. A set is considered to outrank previously played set if it were a same type of set with higher value. A player may also outrank the previously played set with a same type of set having the same value by exhausting one PASS token. The next player may do the same, however, by exhausting even one more PASS token.
  • Pass: The active player takes a PASS token. The pass token can be used in a future turn to augment a played set, or to turn one of the cards in a played set to its upgraded side.

The plays who plays all his/her hand first will gain a victory token and all cards will be reshuffled and dealt again. Whoever has 3 victory tokens first wins the game.

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