
Paratroop (1979)

Three minigames depicting famed airborne operations of WWII.

Hạng: 10408
2 Người chơi
120 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 2.29/5

Three mini-games in one package - the Red Devils at Arnhem, the German assault on Eben Emael, and the German airborne invasion of Crete.

Eben Emael: Lightning Strikes Belgium - May 1940, is a simulation of the German airborne drop on the Belgian fortress, which paved the way for the German advance through Belgium. The Germans used glider troops and hollow charges to penetrate the steel turrets that dotted the top of the underground fort. The scale is 100 meters per hex and 12 minutes per turn on an 11"x17" map of the battlefield.

Crete: The False Victory - May 1941, is a battalion level simulation of the battle between the German airborne forces of General Kurt Student and the multinational Commonwealth forces defending the island. The scale is one mile per hex and one day per turn on an 11"x32" map of the northern coast of Crete.

Red Devils: The Massacre of the Gallant - September 1944, is a battalion level simulation of the battle between the British First Airborne Division and the German formations around the Dutch town of Arnhem. The Red Devils found themselves trapped 100 kilometers behind enemy lines fighting desperately to hold onto their objective, the bridge across the Neder Rijn(Lower Rhine). The game scale is 600 meters per hex and 12 hours per turn on an 11"x17" map.

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