
PanzerZug (1998)

Catch a train - with a hail of lead and rockets from your World War II fighter-bomber

Hạng: 16656
2-6 Người chơi
30 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: 1.60/5

Tác Giả: Max Michael

Nhà Phát Hành: Winsome Games

PanzerZug is a card based/driven game where players are attempting to destroy the most German railroads and freight yards. Each player outfits their selection of one of three planes (Mustang, Thunderbolt, or Typhoon) with cards representing fuel, guns, and bombs. In turn, a target is drawn and the player attempts to destroy it, or refit his plane for next turn. There is much interaction as the other players try to stop opponents while maximizing their own attacks.

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