
OUTPOST WAR: A Solitaire Game of Combat in the Hills of Korea (1951-1953). (2015)

Hạng: --
1 Người chơi
30-120 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 0.00/5

Tác Giả: Erik von Rossing

Nhà Phát Hành: Berserker Games

INTRODUCTION: OUTPOST WAR is a solitaire game of the battles for the Hills and Ridges along the Main Line of Resistance (MLR) during the later stages of the Korean War (1951-1953). The player assumes the role of a commander of an Infantry Company during its grueling and miserable turn manning a Hilltop Outpost before they are relieved. As the Company Commander, you are responsible for securing your Sector of Front by successfully taking enemy positions and defending yours with the least amount of casualties. Although there are many support units available to you, they may often times be limited to you by political, logistical or geographical obstacles. You have the choice to play as a US Marine, US Army, French Army, Foreign Legion or British Commonwealth Infantry Company.

The objective of OUTPOST WAR is to successfully survive a Tour in the Hilltop Outposts along the MLR in Korea. A Tour consists of a number of Rotations manning an Outpost on a Ridge or Hill. The Player can play a Short Tour (1 Rotation), an Average Tour (2 Rotations) or a Long Tour (3 Rotations). Each Rotation consists of making a Rotation Deck of 20 “Outpost Life” Cards and once all Outpost Life Cards have been drawn and resolved, the Rotation is over and the Player totals his Rotation VP and adds it to his Tour VP. Once all Rotations have been completed, the Player totals his Tour VP and then compares it to the Victory Determination Table to determine the level of success.

OUTPOST WAR can be found at the following URL:

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