
Outburst Remix! (2004)

Hạng: 9392
4-10 Người chơi
30 Phút
Tuổi: 18+
Độ khó: 1.14/5

Tác Giả: Brian Hersch

Nhà Phát Hành: Mattel, Inc.

Outburst Remix is an update of the party game Outburst!. It differs from Outburst! with having new topics and adding an additional element (Remix part) of having the topic hidden when teams decide whether to play or pass. The topic cards have a headline which is a clue to the topics. An example is the headline Dirty Dish? for the topic Publications about Celebrities.

As is Outburst!, teams take turns trying to guess as many of the 10 answers to a topic on the cards.

The game mechanism is very similar to long time game show Family Feud.

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