
Orléans: Trade & Intrigue (2016)

Expand on Orléans even further with more opportunities for scoring and intrigue.

Hạng: --
2-5 Người chơi
90 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 3.23/5

Orléans: Trade & Intrigue is the second large expansion for the award-winning game Orléans.

This expansion adds new place tiles and four new modules:
  • Orders: a new set of cards, each depicting goods and a city - collect the goods and turn them in at the city for victory points
  • New Events: a completely new set of 34 Hour Glass Tiles from which 18 are semi-randomly chosen for each game
  • New Beneficial Deeds: a replacement Beneficial Deeds board providing completely new rewards for sending away your Followers
  • Intrigue: a replacement Beneficial Deeds board allowing you to attack and hinder your opponents or even steal from them
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