

Be the first to turn your hand into sets and runs- keep an eye out for the Okey tile!

Hạng: 14605
2-4 Người chơi
15-60 Phút
Tuổi: 0+
Độ khó: 1.67/5

Tác Giả: (Uncredited)

Nhà Phát Hành: (Public Domain), (Self-Published)

Okey is a traditional Turkish game, similar to Rummikub and Mahjong.

Players manage their hand to make runs and sets. The first one to use all of their pieces wins the game.

Suits come in 4 colors and run from 1 to 13. Notably, runs (of the same suit) can end with a 1 tile if they contain a 13 tile.

The game needs paying careful attention on the opponent's discarded pieces and plan new series according to them, as there is only a pair of every piece.

The game's namesake is the wild "Okey" tile, chosen randomly between the regular tiles at the start of every round.

Depending on the last tile a player discards to win a round, they score different amounts of points- finishing by discarding a regular tile is worth 2 points, but discarding an Okey tile is worth 4 points. An "indicator" tile is used to determine the Okey every round, and if someone has the identical indicator tile in their starting hand, they score an extra point.

Scoring is done in a unique manner- every point scored by a player is not added to their own total, but subtracted from every other player's score. The game ends when someone reaches 0 points or lower, and at that point the person with the highest remaining score wins. A usual game of Okey starts with 20 points per player.

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