
Oh No, There Goes Tokyo! (2002)

Defend your area of the city against the rampaging giant monster Godran.

Hạng: 14135
2-4 Người chơi
120 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 2.13/5

Tác Giả: Matthew Nadelhaft

Họa Sĩ: Garry Haggerty

Nhà Phát Hành: (Web published)

Oh No, There Goes Tokyo!” is a multi-player combat game in which each of 2-4 players controls a segment of Tokyo under attack by the dreaded Godran, Self-Appointed Emperor of Monsters. Players must protect their areas from the rampaging monster by deploying units of the national guard while at the same time evacuating tasty populace units. As key production units in each sector are destroyed by Godran, the players’ resources dwindle. Perhaps only a hastily-developed super weapon can save the day!

Players have many options in “Oh No, There Goes Tokyo.” Each turn, their remaining production centers generate a number of “Mega-Yen” to be spent in a variety of ways. First, players bid “Mega-Yen” to control Godran. Each turn, Godran could be controlled by a different player. Victory point incentives will keep Godran rampaging - but if you win the bidding, Godran will rampage someplace other than your back yard!

Mega-Yen can also be used to activate defense units, to evacuate panicked yet recalcitrant citizenry, and to develop super weapons to combat the mighty Godran. Jury-rig a Death Ray and hope for a quick knockout punch, or undertake the longer and more expensive, but more sure-fire, process of researching Godran’s origins to find his weakness. The Mega-Yen is an imaginary currency whose value, for the purposes of this game, is ridiculously high.

“Oh No, There Goes Tokyo!” plays essentially the same with two, three or four players.

“Oh No, There Goes Tokyo!” (Also known as ON,TGT!) contains a fold-out map that represents a hypothetical section of downtown Tokyo. It could be any city, but Tokyo seems to be the most attractive to monsters. Players are encouraged to substitute cities they particularly dislike if the urge strikes. The game includes a set of counters representing Godran, destroyed buildings, the national guard in four colors and populace units in four colors. Also included are a small selection of cards - representing potential origin points for Godran and hair brained schemes to control the beast. Relevant charts are included in the back of the rules for ease of access. Play requires the use of multiple six sided dice to resolve combat and scrap paper for record keeping.

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