Officinalis is a trick-taking played with a deck of 55 cards : 7 suits of 7 plants classified by localisation of growth.
Each family is composed of 5 communes cards rated from 1 to 5, plus one rare rated 10 and one "toxic" rated -3.
2 special cards and 4 specialists are also present to give some bonus.
Each round there will be a Trump chosen from the remaining (not dealt card).
Then the first player play the first card, and every one should either in order :Trump cards win against regular ones, then from higher to lower. Continue the round with the winner. The round will end when the 5 rare cards have been collected (you may still have card in hands).
The collected cards will give points at the end depending on their values. In addition if you have the specialist (given secretly at the beginning of a round), you will double those point. Then some cards can be combine to make more points. You will play 7 seven rounds.
—user summary