
Noises at Night (2018)

Solve mysteries and hide clues around Grandpa's spooky house.

Hạng: 10582
2-4 Người chơi
10-20 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.67/5

In the 15-minute deduction game Noises at Night, up to four detectives compete to score victory points. Each player has a secret identity with their own scoring symbol and a location to score bonus points. Placing clues around the house scores points, but place too many and others will find out who you are which will land them additional guessing points. With each passing round, the timer goes down, and the amount of guessing points you can earn goes down with it. Each player has a chance to be Leo, to solve the mysteries around Grandpa's spooky house, and to discover once and for all those noises at night.

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