
Ninja Catfoot and the Covert Action (2020)

Arm yourself with a smartphone to get more scrolls while being quick and careful.

Hạng: 19703
1-4 Người chơi
15-25 Phút
Tuổi: 7+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: Jun Sasaki

Họa Sĩ: Jun Sasaki

Nhà Phát Hành: Oink Games

Move slowly, but quickly!?

It's time for a big ninja catfoot mission to recover the stolen scrolls! But look out for the guards. If you make any big movements, even just for a moment, you'll quickly be caught. You must cautiously, carefully, and quietly carry out the scrolls...! But don't take too long! Your rivals are also trying to complete this mission. It's a race to get most scrolls! You attach a smart phone to your arm in this new type of action game. The accelerometer will detect your movement.

In Ninja Catfoot and the Covert Action each player put his smartphone on his arm with the furnished tools. They will all compete at the same time to take the more pawn possible, the quickest they can. They should go to the URL catfoot.ninja with their phone where they will access the app necessary to play the game. The movement sensor on their phone will provide them not to go too fast or they will need to stop taking pawns for some time.

The player who takes the more scrolls wins the round. The first player to win three rounds wins the game.

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