
Nine Tiles (2015)

Flip your tiles to match the pattern first!

Hạng: 6003
2-4 Người chơi
15 Phút
Tuổi: 6+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: Jean-Claude Pellin

Họa Sĩ: Hiroko Izumida, Jun Sasaki

Nhà Phát Hành: Oink Games

In Nine Tiles, each player takes nine double-sided tiles, with each side of a tile having one of six images, and arranges them in a 3x3 gird. Each image appears a total of three times on the tiles, with it being paired with a different image in each of the three instances. (The sets of nine tiles are identical, and they have 1-4 dots on them to help players sort the tiles.)

Each round, one of the thirty goal cards is revealed, then players race to rearrange their tiles — flipping one tile at a time, or swapping two tiles — in order to make their nine tiles match the image shown on the card. Whenever a player thinks they've done this, they slap the card. If they're correct, they keep the card; if they're wrong, they still keep the card, but flipped face-down. If a player collect two face-down cards, they're out of the game.

The first play to collect four (face-up) cards wins!

By combining two sets of Nine Tiles, up to eight players can compete at once. When more than four people are in a game, reveal two of the thirty cards each round. Each player can claim at most one card in a round.

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