Today is International TableTop Day, as decreed by Geek & Sundry, the folks behind Wil Wheaton's TableTop series of game demonstration videos, and you may or may not be participating in a...
A Fistful Of Dinero, a game of violence and greed, is a half-hour saloon brawl in which a group of vagrants and outlaws draw iron, throw chairs, and scramble for a pot of poker money in the...
• Italian publisher Ares Games has three new titles in the offing, two of which put you on ocean waters in time for Gen Con 2015 and a third that consists of little more than a title for now in...
• You can't keep a good zombie down, especially when they sell like hotcakes, which might be the reason why Cool Mini Or Not and Guillotine Games have announced the next title in the Zombicide...
• Looking to pitch a game to a publisher? Perhaps you should check out Daniel Solis' "5 Pitching Lessons from Tabletop Deathmatch (so far)" in which he elaborates on lessons such as...
Sometimes it's complicated to write about Asmodee releasing this game or that on the market because in most cases Asmodee is distributing the game, not publishing it. Why this matters is because...
• Following on the heels of Cryptozoic Entertainment's Ghostbusters revival, here's yet another movie-franchise-turned-board-game: Fast & Furious: Full Throttle, from Jeff and Carla Horger...
2015 looks to be another big year for IELLO, with two new games recently released and more details announced about three mid-year releases.• An English edition of Konito?, designed by Richard...
This might be hard to believe, but in the BGG News post that went live just a few days ago I didn't exhaust the list of games undergoing crowdfunding. I know, right? In fact, I heard from quite a...
Australian publisher Grail Games has announced two titles to be released in June and July 2015.• The first is Too Many Cinderellas, a small card game from Nobutake Dogen and Nao Shimamura...
• In April 2015, U.S. publisher Atlas Games plans to release Three Cheers for Master from Daniel Windfeld Schmidt, and the game description gives you a feel for the setting, if not the...
Each year at Spiel, the annual game convention in Essen, Germany, designers and publishers present hundreds of new games to thousands of fairgoers. At Spiel 2014, for example, convention...
• I haven't played Magic: The Gathering in a long time, but I still read head designer Mark Rosewater's "Making Magic" column each week because I enjoy reading about Magic design and because...
We've barely cleared the edge of March, but the crowdfunding projects announced during that month have nearly clogged the internet pipes leading to my house. Time to clear them out before the...
I'm hosting a livestream roundtable on the topic of women and gaming tonight, Tuesday, March 31, 2015, with guests Anne-Marie De Witt (Fireside Games), Brittanie Boe (GameWire/GTS Distribution),...
Man, it's been a while since I last ran a links round-up since I started posting most of them on BGG's Twitter feed, but here are several that either don't work well in that format or are...
• Rio Grande Games owner Jay Tummelson has stated that "Roll for the Galaxy: Ambition, the first expansion to Roll for the Galaxy, will be coming this fall [i.e., Q4 2015]. New factions, new...
So EVERY month is big on Kickstarter, but February and March 2015 seemed to have a million projects that caught my attention. I backed more than I intended and steadfastly ignored a few I might...
It's hard to think about co-operative games without designer Matt Leacock coming to mind. His game Pandemic ran through multiple print runs in 2007 as quickly as Z-Man Games could get copies from...
The long-awaited and (thanks to a cargo-unloading wage dispute on the U.S. west coast) somewhat delayed Star Wars: Armada from James Kniffen and Fantasy Flight Games CEO Christian T. Petersen has...
In 2015 U.S. publisher Fireside Games plans to release two expansions for existing titles and one new title, starting with Castle Panic: The Dark Titan on April 1, 2015. This expansion adds new...
• Following the 2015 GAMA Trade Show, Cryptozoic Entertainment posted a recap of its activities at the show, noting that mere days after shipping out DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Crossover...
In early March 2015, I had the chance to head to PAX East and catch up with the latest happenings in board gaming. Here's my third round-up of videos from the event highlighting upcoming board...
The release of Bruno Cathala's Five Tribes from Days of Wonder in September 2014 was greeted with many huzzahs for the gameplay, but one aspect of the components upset many of those who otherwise...
In early March 2015, I had the chance to head to PAX East and catch up with the latest happenings in board gaming. Here's the second round-up of videos from the event covering board and card...
• In a departure from its normal fare, the next standalone game from Stone Blade Entertainment and CEO/designer Justin Gary is a 2-5 player card game called Bad Beets. Here's a rundown of the...
In early March 2015, I had the chance to head to PAX East and catch up with the latest happenings in board gaming. I'll have more updates in future posts on BGG NewsOrcs Must Die!One of the big...
• Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) has a ton of titles due out in 2015 beyond what I've previously announced from them, such as Dark Seas and various Love Letter spinoffs. To provide a bit of...
• While many game publishers were showing off their upcoming titles at GAMA Trade Show, U.S. publisher Asmadi Games held a "not at GAMA" YouTube press conference to show off its upcoming...
"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them — that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." —Lao...