Polterfass is a dice-rolling game without dice! Yes, the dice have been replaced by small beer barrels, and the active player each round is the innkeeper who shares his brew with players who keep their requests modest.
The game includes nine barrels — two of them being special ones — that are rolled out of a die cup. The normal barrel bases show numbers, while the special barrel bases show symbols that allow the innkeeper to double other values or cancel them. After each roll, only the values/symbols of "standing" barrels count.
After the active player has rolled for the first time, the other players secretly place cards with numbers in front of them. The active player then decides whether to reroll, change the values, or end his turn. Once his turn ends, the guests reveal their cards and sum them. If the innkeeper's total is less than this sum, he wins this round, keeping all the beer for himself while the guest with the highest card actually loses points! If the innkeeper's total is higher, each player scores the value of his played card, and the innkeeper keeps the rest.
When one player has at least 75 points, the game ends, and the player with the most points wins!
• Jacques Zeimet's quick-playing reaction game Geistesblitz from 2010 has been translated and republished in multiple languages, with one sequel/spin-off released in 2012. Now Geisterblitz takes on new shape — and includes new shapes! — in Geistesblitz 5 vor 12.
• An object on the card is in its original color, in which case you must grab this object.
• And if an owl appears in the picture, you must name the object instead of grabbing it.
• And if the ghost appears with a clock, you must give the time on the clock instead of doing anything else.
• And if the magic mirror shows up, none of the other rules apply and you just need to grab whichever object is reflected by the mirror!
When the card deck runs out, whoever has collected the most cards wins.
• The chickens are back in a new game titled Zicke & Zacke, not that they ever really went away. They just hang about Klaus Zoch's apartment in the spare room waiting for him to give them a new task. Here's what they need to do this time:
In the end, only the chicken that pays attention to closing her memory gaps will fill her rump with feathers and win by a beak.
In Zicke & Zacke, thirteen face-up tiles lay in a circle around 13 face-down "yard tiles" that have the same pictures on them. Two players or two teams take turns moving the two chickens, trying to reveal the corresponding tile that they move to, preferably the ones upon which a worm awaits. Jumping over the other chicken gains you a feather, but feathers slow down the chicken.
The player or team whose chicken gains four feathers first wins.
• Edith Grein-Böttcher's Schmatzspatz has all the familiar Zoch elements: animals, worms and cool bits wrapped up with warm illustrations. As for the gameplay, here's an overview:
In Schmatzspatz, four wooden birds sit on the edges of the circular rotating "board in the box", each with a worm in its beak. In the middle area are twelve hungry little birds with open mouths. A symbol die determines the sector of the board where the most hungry baby birds are. The player now decides which one of these birds to feed and tries to rotate the board to move one of the adult birds to the right position.
The turning board occasionally blocks the feeding, however,so the players must remember these "blocked" positions. When the worm can successfully be fed to the bird, the baby closes its beak. If the players manage to feed all the baby birds before running out of worms, they win the game together.
Schmatzspatz includes a competitive version in which each player tries to get rid of his worm supply first.
• Sauschwer from designers Andrea Meyer and Martin Schlegel is a new take on the In a Pickle/Fauna style of guessing/party game, with players now trying to determine what weighs more:
Each of the 188 playing cards in Sauschwer asks for the weight of a person or one or more objects. On a turn, the active player estimates the weight in his mind and places the card next to one end of a seesaw scale. After that, he places a wooden pig on the side of the scale that he thinks is now the heavier side (adding the "weights" of all cards on both sides in mind). If at least one other player doubts that guess, all players bet on one side of the scale being the heavier one. The result is often close and surprising, and the players who guessed correctly earn victory points.
Much thanks to Daniel Danzer for submitting these images and game listings!