• A first look at Leo Colovini's Think Str8! from HUCH! & friends might have you thinking, "Hey, that's just Hanabi with card racks!" but in fact the design is a throwback to an older release in which you face your stuff away from you: Alex Randolph's Code 777. With Colovini having designed several games with Randolph at the start of Colovini's career, that connection isn't a surprise, and the design provides a twist on the "decipher what you hold" nature of that game.
• Udo Peise and Marco Teubner's Pronto from HUCH! & friends bears the subtitle "Race around the word", and that should cue you in to the nature of the design. In fact, Pronto includes two racing elements, with the active player racing against time each turn and all of the players racing against one another to cross the finish line first.
• Carlo Emanuele Lanzavecchia's card game Bermuda from HUCH! & friends has an element in its gameplay that few other games do: the need to hold your breath at various points during the game. I'll leave it to you to decide whether or not that's a good thing.
• Peter Burley will always be first and foremost associated with Take it Easy! — although I'm more a fan of his excellent abstract strategy game Kamisado — but he's still creating and self-publishing through Burley Games from time to time with his next release being one that he's co-designed with his son Jonathan. Here's an overview of Zambezi: