• Matthias Cramer has designed several well-received games since he debuted in 2010 with Glen More, and now the heart of that game — its action-selection mechanism, so to speak — has been transformed and reworked for the design of Kraftwagen from ADC Blackfire, which is launching itself on the German market with this title and a German edition of Star Realms. Kraftwagen revisits the birth of the automotive industry in Germany, with you now calling the shots.
• I've played Phil Walker-Harding's tile-laying game Cacao from ABACUSSPIELE a few times in prototype form and meant to record a video to show how to play, but time passes and travel got in the way and now *BOOM* here I am with a video showing off the finished thing instead needing to use the prototype that I have. The game looks a lot better this way as I'm sure you can imagine.
• Camel Up: Supercup is an expansion for Steffen Bogen's Spiel des Jahres-winning game Camel Up from eggertspiele and Pegasus Spiele that (like many expansions these days) includes multiple modules that can be added to the game individually or collectively. One of those modules is an extension to the game board, which helps organize the remaining additions to the game, in addition to lengthening the race, which thereby allows you to play with up to ten at the table. Let the betting commence!
• Cats and mice appear together in many games due to their historical enmity, and their latest appearance might well be the co-operative family game Mmm! from Reiner Knizia and Pegasus Spiele, a game in which players are not cats who are trying to devour the mice but rather a mouse family that's trying to devour the food in the kitchen before the cat catches on to what you're doing and devours you.