French publisher Ludonaute typically hits the market with one large game each year, and I got a sneak preview at Gen Con 2014 of Christophe Raimbault's Colt Express, which is a super fun and somewhat chaotic game in which player try to rob passengers on a train while also shooting at one another and running from the marshal.
Stimmvieh was designer/publisher Andrea Meyer's first release in 1998, and for 2014 she released a revamped version of this game that puts you in the role of a party secretary who is trying to raise funds for your political party. This new version is titled Stimmvieh: Ihr habt die Wahl! with the subtitle meaning "The Choice is Yours" and "Stimmvieh" meaning something like "voting cattle", something illustrated more directly on the box cover of the game's first edition.
• Czech Board Games started its existence with several strategy games, but in 2011 it switched gears with the wonderful party game Infarkt and it's continued to release a new party game each year at Spiel since then, with 2014's entry being the crab-filled McJohny's by designer Jan Vaněček.
• Artipia Games has a rich world on its hands with Vangelis Bagiartakis' Among the Stars, and as part of its efforts to mine that world and explore other aspects of it in 2014 it released New Dawn, a thematic sequel to AtS from co-designers Konstantinos Kokkinis and Sotirios Tsantilas that's set a few decades after the original game.
• And speaking of that earlier game, at Spiel 2014 Artipia Games also had Among the Stars: Expanding the Alliance, a collection of previously promos and new material to add tons of variety to the base game, in addition to increasing the maximum player count from four to six.
• Lap Dance, on the other hand, from designers Grigoriadis and Tsirogiannis is an Artipia Games title with a completely different look from everything they've published previously, a game absent the baroque style that you expect from Artipia and one featuring subject matter that also doesn't line up with expectations.