• My worst weakness on BGG News, at least in my eyes, is my near complete lack of knowledge about wargames. I know little about the field, both past and present, and don't see that lack of knowledge changing anytime soon since I can barely keep up with all the games coming out in other genres that I can talk about somewhat knowledgeably. Thus, for titles like First to Fight from designers Adam Kwapiński and Michał Sieńko and publisher Fabryka Gier Historycznych, I'm typically left to preform like a prize presenter on a game show, pulling back the curtain and letting someone else do all the talking:
• At Spiel 2014, FGH also presented Adam Kwapiński's Ark of Animals, which falls outside of its normal history-based games to present a design that can also be played by youngsters:
• Prohibition in the U.S. is a great theme for game designers as it embodies a clear setting with definite sides on which players can play, which might be why prohibition pops up in games again and again, as in Marc Brunnenkant's Prohis from Blackrock Editions.
• My one big regret from Spiel 2014 — well, one of my regrets — is not getting a copy of Bruno Cathala's Haru Ichiban from Blackrock Editions. I had preordered a copy, but then forgot about sending payment as the request note disappeared in all the other stuff arriving in the inbox, then I got to the show and didn't even think about checking out the Blackrock booth — despite it being only a few dozen meters from the BGG booth! — until the game was completely sold out. Ah, well, I'll have to be satisfied with his Niya for now, but if someone has a copy to spare, I'm only a Geekmail away...