• Seiji Kanai's Love Letter has gotten all of the attention the past couple of years — and deservedly so given how it's upended expectations on the U.S. market — but Kanai has published a couple of dozen designs since 2006 and some of those are also showing up in markets outside of Japan, such as Schmidt Spiele's revamping of Mai-Star as Adventure Tours:
• DOG Cards by the familiar design team of Michael Kiesling and Wolfgang Kramer is an attempt to take the popular brand of Schmidt Spiele's DOG and meld it onto a card game that features Skip-Bo-style gameplay. Schmidt's Karl Matthias gives an overview of how to play:
• In addition to its line of family games aimed at the German mainstream, Schmidt Spiele also owns children's game publisher Drei Magier Spiele and releases a few titles under that brand annually to keep illustrator Rolf Vogt in the public eye. Okay, that might not be the reason, but the look of a Drei Magier title is immediately identifiable and unmistakable. For late 2014, Drei Magier released the card game Assel Schlamassel and Guido Hoffmann's Der unendliche Fluss:
• KOSMOS and Mayfair Games (and many other publishers) continue to release Catan-related games from designer Klaus Teuber year after year, and why not since Catan has hundreds of thousands of fans and the games continue to sell to them. For 2014, Mayfair Games has published a "collector's edition of Teuber's Catan: Ancient Egypt.
What's collectible about this title? As Mayfair's Alex Yeager explained to me at Spiel 2014, this game will have a single print run and won't be reprinted, and the entire print run has already been sold into distribution, so once the distributor runs out of copies, no more will be forthcoming. Thus, if you think you want it, grab it because the game might be tough to find later. That's the working theory anyway...