• Designer Kristian Amundsen Østby is best known for Escape: The Curse of the Temple from Queen Games, but he's now branching out on his own with the founding of Aporta Games in 2014, a Norway-based publisher of "Eurostyle family games". The company launched its debut title — Doodle City, from Østby and co-designer Eilif Svensson — at Spiel 2014 and amazingly enough an iOS app for the game debuted during that show as well, with the app being free during the con. Quite the cross-marketing for a new publisher!
• New Polish game publishers keep springing onto the market, and new for Spiel 2014 was Bomba Games with Amber Route from designer Krzysztof Matusik. I'm not sure whether including real amber in the game is a selling point that makes a difference with gamers, but it's something!
• The second title from Bomba Games and Matusik was Black & White, about which I can say almost nothing — except that each time I search for the game name I also run across Blacks & Whites, which pops up on mainstream "can you believe there's a game about that" lists from time to time. An interesting Monopoly-based game experiment, but probably more experiment than game...
• FryxGames is run by four Swedish brothers out of a larger family of sixteen siblings, so the in-house playtesting force must be pretty impressive. For Spiel 2014, the company brought a design from Daniel Fryxelius titled Fleets: The Pleiad Conflict.