• I previewed Chimera in April 2014 after playing a prototype a few times, but at Gen Con 2014 designer Ralph Anderson was on hand to show off the game himself. Alas, I didn't have time to play him to see whether I've learned anything about the game in a few playings. Conventions are work, after all...
• The Z-Man block was rounded out by designer Carey Grayson, who explained Pandemic: Contagion, which turns the standard Pandemic world on its head by making viruses of the players.
• Another awesome thing about conventions are the fab shirts that publishers and manufacturers create for their employees and demo crew, such as the Level 7 [Invasion] shirt worn in the video below by designer Will Schoonover from Privateer Press. I asked David Carl from Privateer Press about the shirts as we were both in the BGG booth while this demo was taking place, and I believe he gave an estimated cost of $80 per shirt.
• Aside from knowing the price of his shirt, Carl also knows about Privateer Press' Warmachine: High Command – Faith & Fortune, which is both a standalone game in the Warmachine universe and an expansion for other High Command deck-building games.