Geof Gambill of The Long View podcast is working with Eklund on clarifying the rulebook prior to the game going to print, and as such he just happened to receive a production test copy just prior to Gen Con 2014, and he just happened to ask me a couple of days before the show whether I'd be interested in checking it out, and I just happened to show up at the booth where he was demoing games with a microphone and cameraperson to hustle him off to somewhere quieter in order to record this video:
• One of the more established publishers that didn't find a spot on the BGG interview schedule was Cryptozoic Entertainment, but I was able to run down head designer Matt Hyra at the show for an overview of Bravest Warriors Co-operative Dice Game and two other titles. Let's start with the most colorful design of the three:
• Hyra also presented an overview of the NHL Power Play Team-Building Card Game, which uses Cryptozoic's "Cerberus" deck-building engine in a setting that might surprise regular gamers. That's kind of the goal, of course, as this game is designed to reach out to those who aren't regular gamers — or at least not regular gamers who peruse sites like BGG. Hyra said that Cryptozoic took the NHL game to an off-season training site (if I'm recalling him correctly), and parents initially approached it as if it were poison, but once they experienced their children making shots on goal against them, they started playing more seriously.
• The final game we demoed at the Cryptozoic stand during Gen Con 2014 was Matt Hyra's The Walking Dead "Don't Look Back" Dice Game. (Cryptozoic had more new stuff on offer for the con, such as the Crisis Expansion for the DC Comics DBG, but I think we had to move on to other things. Hard to recall now that a whole ten days have passed. Man, I'm getting old.)
• Designer and self-publisher Nicholas Timinskas finagled his way into the BGG booth at Gen Con 2014 to present a look at his game Worlds War One, which is looking for funding on Kickstarter through September 16, 2014.